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The LWM Blog Spot: November 2022

Living Waters Ministries Monthly Quote

"A sincere attitude of gratitude is the beatitude for secured altitudes. Appreciate what you have been given and you will be promoted higher."

Israelmore Ayivor

News from Living Waters Ministries

This month we say Happy Birthday to our Shephard Pastor Lavern March.

Our Shepherd (adopted from Psalm 23)

~Daniel Sherman

"The Lord gave us a shepherd,

We're no longer in want.

She helps us find God's green pastures,

She's leads us along still waters,

And she is used by God to restore our souls.

She guides us by straight pathways,

Bringing honor to God's name.

When we walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

We are not afraid because she walks with us.

Her teaching and correction comfort and strengthen us.

She helps us stand strong in the face of evil.

She is the oil of healing and health in our souls.

Through her God has overflowed our lives with blessings.

Goodness and mercy are sure to follow us all our days,

And we are secure in eternal life

Because the Lord gave us a shepherd."

We Love You Pastor March


Introducing the Newly Elected City Commissioner

Living Waters congratulates newly elected City Commissioner Cynthia Garris! We are so proud of Commissioner Garris and the campaign she ran. Commissioner Garris becomes the first African American woman to hold a position on the commission in over 400 years. Commissioner Garris is a native of a St. Augustine and has over 23 years of service in local government. We're excited about "A New Direction". #representationmatters


Congratulations Brother Richie March on winning the Living Waters Chili Cook-Off

2nd place went to Sister Brenda Brown, and coming in 3rd place was drummer Daniel Riddle.

Thanks to all the participants, all are WINNERS!

Living Water Ministries Upcoming Events

November 5: Department Head Meeting

November 12: Pride in the Westside

November 17: Maverick City Music and Kirk Franklin. VYSTAR Arena Jacksonville, Fl

November 19: Thanksgiving basket distribution


St. Augustine Monthly Weather



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