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Christian Education
Life Ministry

Our Mission


Living Waters Ministries Christian Education Life Ministries aims to be instrumental in fostering a closer relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 


The Sunday School staff will interactively teach biblical truths of salvation and partner with parents and family to help shape their children's values.


All ages will benefit as we encourage them to live their faith by studying the Bible together.

Woman about to clap her hands in a classroom with small children



We love this active age!


During their time in class, they will be split up into small groups.


These groups rotate between several interactive activity stations to sing, dance, create, read, have story time, and much more!

Five young children standing next to each other smiling



In our elementary activities, kids are motivated by fun. Our goal is to help kids know God, grow spiritually and discover who God created them to be.


We do this through Bible stories, games, worship, and providing time for Small Groups.


We believe that church should be fun, and we have a blast every week!

Five high school student standing next to each other smiling



Chosen is the student ministry geared toward teens in grades 7th – 12th.


Our goal is to help teens grow to know God and have "real relationships with a real God."


These are the years of our youth where questions are asked (almost on everything), inquire and understand. We encourage critical thinking, which leads to Biblical answers and solutions for all they face. They will have bible discussions, icebreakers, and check-ins.

Eight young adults standing a row smiling



GAP is our ministry designed for young adults from ages 18 - 25 years old.

Our ministry seeks to connect young adults to faith by providing educational, formational, and social opportunities.

Young adults include single, married, and university students seeking a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.

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